Coursera - HIYERTY

Wednesday, April 19


Coursera, founded by Stanford computer science professors, works with over one hundred universities to make their courses available online. With over 800 courses in more than 25 subject areas, ranging from physics to engineering to medicine to business, Coursera is one of the biggest suppliers of massive open online courses in the world. Now with the Coursera app, you can take that vast library of knowledge on the go. Built to supplement the online courses available at, the app allows you to stream video lectures (and sync from where you left off on, take quizzes tests, browse and enroll in courses, and view the syllabus for any course you’re taking. While the app currently doesn’t support interaction in the discussion forums, or allow you to access peer-reviewed writing assignments, Coursera is a very well designed app, and a very useful one. Expand your knowledge today with Coursera.

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